2022 差傳 / 社會關懷年會

Dr. Robert Wong, DDS, and his wife, Christine, RN, are the contacts for Action Missions in North America. For about 20 years, they visited the mission field regularly to care for younger missionaries as spiritual parents through mentoring, counseling and meeting their various needs. In the meantime, they also visit different churches in the US and Canada and convey real life stories of these missionaries with pictures, videos, and live testimonies. Currently with so many natural disasters and wars plaguing many countries in the Middle East and Africa, missionaries are serving large numbers of refugees in these countries.



11/11 星期五晚
美東時間 7:45


(Luke 路 4:18-19; Isaiah 賽 54:2-3)

美東時間 7:00

難民潮 福音潮

(Matthew 太 25:40; John 約 4:35b)

美東時間 9:30


(Matthew太 28:19-20, 10:16)